Space to give working children meaningful participation.

Virtual exhibition (maniana_dialogueworksworld_website_header.jpg)

Task: Digitale platform
Client: Kindernothilfe & Terre des Hommes
Cooperation: Albert Naasner (Creative Director); George Popov (Graphics); Ahmed Ghazi (Programming)
Year: 2022

"Dialogue Works" is a global campaign run by the two child-rights organizations Kindernothilfe and Terre des Hommes International Federation. It is co-funded by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

The project aims to create spaces for working children to participate in local to global political debates to share their views, experiences and suggestions. The core of the campaign are Children’s Advisory Committees (CACs) that have been formed in 15 countries worldwide. They serve as a platform for working children to plan and implement advocacy dialogues with key stakeholders, thereby realising their right to be heard (Art. 12 UNCRC).

This virtual exhibition was designed to serve that purpose and to provide a platform for all the material, artworks, videos and pictures that CACs from 15 different countries have developed.

Dialogue Works World:
a permanent virtual gathering of all CACs

Animation Concept, design and interface (maniana_dialogueworksworld_website_animation_conceptdesigninterface_s.gif)

Concept, design and interface

The system features a fully interactive map with a colourful variety of locations for all CACs that visitors can easily navigate to find out more about their stories. Locations for CACs can be freely chosen and placed on the map.

Filters and tags highlight content by e.g. region or country. It provides dynamic setup that’s easy to maintain and scaleable as new CACs join the campaign.

It also offers a smooth browsing experience, optimised for mobile and desktop environments. Built using JAMstack, it runs on Sanity and Netlify.

GIF zoom steps (maniana_dialogueworksworld_website_animation_illuszoom.gif)

It has a playful, illustrative style, where all graphics were created multiple times with varying details for each zoom level.

GIF numbers (maniana_dialogueworksworld_website_animation_illusnumbers.gif)
GIF portraits (maniana_dialogueworksworld_website_animation_illusportraits.gif)
Website (maniana_dialogueworksworld_website-desktop.jpg)
Mobile (maniana_dialogueworksworld_website-mobile.jpg)